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Topic: shutdown monowall
apagar monowall remotamente
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Topic: shutdown monowall (Read 3099 times)
shutdown monowall
« on: February 18, 2013, 01:25:19 »
Posts: 1
alguien sabe de algun comando.bat o algo asi para mandar apagar el monowall remotamente? en mi negocio tengo que ir a apagar todos los dias manualmente el cpu del monowall y alguna vez lei algo de ello pero ya no lo he encontrado... gracias..
Re: shutdown monowall
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 15:18:57 »
Fred Grayson
Posts: 994
I do not read or write Spanish, but with the help of a translator I was able to glean enough from your message to suggest a solution.
In your web browser go to the m0n0wall WebGUI and manually enter the following undocumented page:
Once there enter the following into the Command: box:
shutdown -h now
Then press the Execute button.
This will shutdown the running m0nowall but may or may not power down the machine.
Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle.
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