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Topic: Fix for 619 error connecting to m0n0wall VPN from a system behind openwrt  (Read 1654 times)
« on: March 28, 2013, 00:25:09 »
Ransak *
Posts: 1


Just leaving this here in case someone else has this problem.

Running OpenWRT Kamikaze 7.09 and a Windows PC connected to the same LAN. Problems connecting to a m0n0wall PPTP VPN (no problems connecting to other MS VPNs, such as ISA). Consistently getting 619 after 'Verifying username and password'.

I added the following packages after some guessing at the problem was probably GRE related:


(note not all of these are necessary just for this purpose)

For me this was done with ipkg, newer versions might be using opkg. Good luck.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 15:21:32 by Ransak »
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