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Topic: Support for USB Mobile broaband cards  (Read 1346 times)
« on: June 07, 2013, 01:01:45 »
manic.miner *
Posts: 1


Does m0n0wall works with these?
Because of my location I am forced to use mobile broadband, before I moved here I had standard DSL and I used m0n0wall which worked perfectly....but year and a half ago when I tried to connect my huawei e353 m0n0wall didn't recognized it....I really miss using m0n0wall because of configurability and many more options than Windows ICS....I recently upgraded to Huawei it possible to use it with m0n0 wall? if yes, how? if no, what is close to m0n0wall that woul work with it?

Thank you :-)
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2013, 16:52:28 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

It is very unlikely.  For anything to work at all, it must be supported by FreeBSD, and the release of m0n0wall is on an old version of FreeBSD.  The beta might be better, but then...

If it requires "extra stuff" to be installed, you will need to create a custom image.

The only real option is a wireless hotspot, and WiFi to Ethernet bridge.  Sorry.
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2013, 22:34:53 »
brushedmoss ****
Posts: 446

1.8.1b540 supports usb 3g cards etc. for WAN.  hardware support is whatever is in freebsd 8.3

newer sticks require a custom build, you may just have to add the new usb id's as huwaei generally uses the same drivers, but they may not be associated as the id's may not be known.

whats supported is the same as the list you will find here

E3131 it appears to have some support in the just released 8.4, so we may see it in m0n0wall soon
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