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Topic: monowall on packeteer 1400 appliance  (Read 2672 times)
« on: June 16, 2013, 22:49:20 »
wildbillcoyote *
Posts: 2


New to the forum so apologies if I make any faux pars..

I have acquired an old packeteer 1400 appliance with a 2mb licence so not much good for anything and I have no intentions of lining buecoats pockets with a licence upgrade.!!

I was wondering if I could install monowall on this appliance, it has a CF slot which I presume is where the OS resides (cant check at mo cos CF reader gone US) 4 network ports and 512mb RAM so to the untrained eye looks a perfect host for monowall

Has anybody tried doing this and if so how did you get on?

« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 17:50:09 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

After more than a few minutes of searching, I do not even know if it is a x86 compatible CPU. If so, it can be flashed.  If no, it can never work.
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 22:51:48 »
wildbillcoyote *
Posts: 2

Hi Lee

Ive popped out the CPU and things look good, its an Intel Celeron 256k RH80532 1.2GHz CPU Processor SL7MG.
Like I say, until I can get my flash card configured I wont know but will post up results on how it goes Smiley

« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 23:00:11 »
Fred Grayson *****
Posts: 994

Not much to trying this. Burn the image to a 32MB or larger CF and hope the NICs are supported.

Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle.
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2013, 03:24:05 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

You will need to know what the nics are.  Then you will need to burn the flash in a different machine and boot from it.  Then assign the nics correctly.  (You may have to edit the config.xml directly and upload it.)  Because from what I can see on line there is no video and keyboard ports, or serial interface.  If you do have either of those, you can config it on the system.
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