Well, I've tried it and seen...
Firstly, the Smoothwall UTM-100 box I have has a CF card slot on the motherboard, and a PCI slot in the back: not sure if they are standard... There's no on-board video but there is a serial and two USB ports.
So, once I broke the seal on the case screws and took the top off, I added a PCI video card, partly because I couldn't lay my hands on a convenient machine with a serial port to connect to the console. I plugged in a USB keyboard too.
I wrote the generic-pc.1.34.img to the CF card on my Linux desktop using the instructions, and slotted the CF into the motherboard.
Then I switched on and hacked the BIOS: I needed to enable booting from "Other Device" and re-order the boot priority to get the CF to be the one to boot.
Looked good to start with... but then I got a fatal error about not being able to find the "config.xml". Obviously there's something about the CF card slot that isn't supported in the m0n0 kernel.
So I tried something else: I uncompressed the generic-pc image onto a USB flash drive as a file (rather than writing to the device itself), and then downloaded a SliTaz-base image (
http://mirror.slitaz.org/iso/3.0/flavors/slitaz-3.0-base.iso) which I wrote to the CF card instead.
SliTaz booted up nicely from the CF, and that gave me a Linux command line from which I could mount the USB flash drive. Then I wrote the unpacked pc-generic image from the USB drive to the SATA drive (/dev/sda) with dd, shut down, and unplugged the CF and USB drive.
When I restarted the machine this time, it found the m0n0 installation nicely on the hard drive, and took me to the configuration menu, where I could set up the four network ports.
So, the sequence seems to be:
- Get a CF card with SliTaz-base on it (or some other super-minimal Linux - note that the limited number of USB ports might preclude using a mouse as well as a keyboard...)
- Copy the generic-pc image (unpacked - I didn't want to assume that SliTaz had gzip) to a USB drive as a file.
- Find an old PCI video card and USB keyboard.
- Open the case and put in the video card and CF card. Insert the USB drive and keyboard.
- Switch on the box and fix the BIOS settings to get it to boot SliTaz from the CF card.
- Use the SliTaz command prompt to work out which /dev files are the USB and the hard drive: listing by /dev/disk/by-path helped there.
- Mount the flash drive as (say) /media/usbflash, then dd the image file from there to the root device of the hard drive.
# mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usbflash
# dd if=pc-generic-unzipped.img of=/dev/sda
- Restart, remembering to take out the CF card and USB drive while the machine is down.