With md5sum verified, I do
dd if=generic-pc-1.34.img of=/dev/sda bs=16k
following the quick start guide instructions:
http://doc.m0n0.ch/quickstartpc/setup-installing.htmlI can see this device in BIOS, instruct BIOS to boot first from it, and choose it in the f8 boot device selection menu on two different machines. Each of these machines works to boot a variety of devices: this DOM with Puppy Linux on it, hdd, cdrom, usb.....
However, the most I get is an error to the effect that I need to remove disk and press any key.
There is no partition table on the DOM, which I think is not unusual after using dd. I did nothing to "prepare" the DOM before writing the image to it; I don't think dd cares what is there.
Has anyone seen this, before?