Freshly written 1.8b549 image to a USB drive, booted on an Intel DN2800MT. I haven't changed anything config wise (except configuring LAN/WAN, even then I haven't changed anything except the LAN IP range).
Spotted a new service, the scheduler (awesome! just something i was looking for, in order to kill internet access on a schedule) and
when I clicked the menu item for the first time, the scheduler page came up but at the very top this message: Incorrect memory. I reflashed another drive to recreate the scenario, and in fact error pops up when one clicks the '+' to add a job. Playing around a bit, it seems to only pop up on the very first time you create a job. Subsequent jobs don't cause it.
Warning: usort(): The argument should be an array in /usr/local/www/ on line 499
I enabled the scheduler, added a schedule (tested and confirmed working) and now noticed this message doesn't appear anymore.