I know it's bad form to reply to your own reply, but I figured this might warrant it.
With the help of pfSense to compare it to, i set up essentially the same configuration. I then found it too has a status.php page, which produced the following
ipfw -x mywifi show
65291 0 0 allow pfsync from any to any
65292 0 0 allow carp from any to any
65301 67 1876 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x0806,0x8035 (ARP and RARP)
65302 72 8392 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x888e,0x88c7(802.1X - Port-based network access control and 802.11i - Pre-Authentication) ****
65303 0 0 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x8863,0x8864 (PPP over Ethernet Discovery Stage/PPP over Ethernet Session Stage)
65307 8 48 deny ip from any to any layer2 not mac-type 0x0800,0x86dd (IPv4 and IPv6)
65310 362 37048 allow ip from any to { or } in
65311 848 206432 allow ip from { or } to any out
65312 0 0 allow icmp from { or } to any out icmptypes 0
65313 0 0 allow icmp from any to { or } in icmptypes 8
65314 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from table(3) to any in
65315 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from any to table(4) in
65316 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from table(3) to any out
65317 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from any to table(4) out
65318 2697 744017 pipe tablearg ip from table(1) to any in
65319 2118 1166996 pipe tablearg ip from any to table(2) out
65532 62 7353 fwd,8000 tcp from any to any dst-port 80 in
65533 52 5883 allow tcp from any to any out
65534 126 7724 deny ip from any to any
65535 0 0 allow ip from any to any
***Note: this (counter?) increases during WiFi client joining, followed shortly after the one above increases (for ARP/ RARP) which i assume is some arp traffic once the link is up.
Contrast this to m0n0wall:
01000 5512 520710 skipto 50000 ip from any to any not layer2 not via wlan0
01001 3643 381954 allow ip from any to any layer2 not via wlan0
01002 1 96 skipto 50000 ip6 from any to any not layer2
01100 0 0 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x0806 (ARP)
01101 0 0 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x86dd (IPv6)
01102 15 1206 deny ip from any to any layer2 not mac-type 0x0800 (IPv4)
01103 0 0 skipto 20000 ip from any to any layer2
01200 0 0 allow udp from any 68 to dst-port 67 in
01201 0 0 allow udp from any 68 to dst-port 67 in
01202 0 0 allow udp from 67 to any dst-port 68 out
01203 0 0 allow icmp from to any out icmptypes 8
01204 0 0 allow icmp from any to in icmptypes 0
01300 0 0 allow udp from any to dst-port 53 in
01301 0 0 allow udp from 53 to any out
01302 0 0 allow tcp from any to dst-port 8000 in
01303 0 0 allow tcp from 8000 to any out
19902 0 0 fwd,8000 tcp from any to any dst-port 80 in
19903 0 0 allow tcp from any 80 to any out
19904 0 0 deny ip from any to any
29900 0 0 allow ip from any to any layer2
65535 5513 520806 allow ip from any to any
m0n0wall is a little more restrictive and says permit ARP and IPv6 and block any other frames not based on IPv4 type.
I suspect if i can insert the a permit mac type 0x88c7 for 802.11i, it will work.
Any pointers on how i can do that? Busy day. Felt like someone spoonfeeding
ipfw add 01099 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x88c7
Added, verified in ipfw show - then the test. No change. I then tried the other, 0x888e
ipfw add 01098 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x888e
ipfw show:
01098 4 474 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x888e
01099 0 0 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x88c7
Shows some counters increased and WiFi connected.
So, how do I verify:
1) Why wasn't 802.11i / 0x88c7 needed? I thought that was the silver bullet.
2) Any chance to have this mac type added as permitted in the ipfw ruleset when captive portal is used?