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Topic: monowall on hyper-v  (Read 3386 times)
« on: January 25, 2014, 20:45:48 »
kyiu *
Posts: 1

Has anyone have success with PPTP server on monowall running on Hyper-V?

I've successfully created a monowall on my Hyper-V 2012.  It seems to work OK for the basic firewall operation.  When I tried to create a PPTP tunnel on the firewall it keeps failing on the user authentication. I know it's not the user id and password because I know it's correct. 

I'm familiar with monowall. I've monowall firewall operating at my customer's site.  I'm trying to duplicate the same function on a Hyper-V environment.  Has anyone done such thing on their monowall?

BTW: I'm using the latest firmware version 1.8 on the VM

« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 02:35:29 »
brushedmoss ****
Posts: 446

what does the m0n0wall log say ?  is the user auth failure a client side message ?
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