That's a very very good question. It's not like the device in question is out of space...
ad0: 114473MB <WDC WD1200JB-00GVC0 08.02D08> at ata0-master PIO4
(Yes, I know it's a waste of a drive... but *shrug* it's a retired desktop and I don't feel like messing with it)
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md0 19M 17M 2.1M 89% /
devfs 1.0k 1.0k 0B 100% /dev
/dev/ad0a 13M 11M 1.5M 89% /cf
$ top -d1
last pid: 11748; load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 up 1+03:50:08 23:53:50
18 processes: 1 running, 16 sleeping, 1 zombie
Mem: 13M Active, 6448K Inact, 23M Wired, 52K Cache, 9104K Buf, 1811M Free
2971 root 1 44 0 3368K 1256K select 0:06 0.00% rtadvd
103 root 1 44 0 3396K 1364K select 0:05 0.00% syslogd
123 root 1 44 0 3644K 2164K select 0:02 0.00% snmpd
74 root 1 46 0 3300K 1752K select 0:01 0.00% dhclient
108 nobody 1 44 0 3300K 1500K select 0:01 0.00% dnsmasq
91 root 1 44 0 3300K 1780K nanslp 0:00 0.00% ipmon
116 root 1 44 0 4324K 3424K select 0:00 0.00% dhcpd
11745 root 1 60 10 10368K 8580K piperd 0:00 0.00% php
114 root 1 44 0 3300K 1372K nanslp 0:00 0.00% ez-ipupdate
105 root 1 44 0 5144K 2152K select 0:00 0.00% mini_httpd
6668 root 1 44 0 3404K 1404K nanslp 0:00 0.00% sntp
110 root 1 44 0 3684K 1480K wait 0:00 0.00% sh
11748 root 1 60 10 3696K 1648K RUN 0:00 0.00% top
126 root 1 44 0 6836K 3188K select 0:00 0.00% mpd5
135 root 1 76 0 3684K 1484K ttyin 0:00 0.00% sh
2965 root 1 76 0 3300K 1356K select 0:00 0.00% dhcp6c
11747 root 1 44 0 5144K 2204K piperd 0:00 0.00% mini_httpd