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Topic: Monowall on apu1c  (Read 1057 times)
« on: July 07, 2014, 13:05:59 »
bene *
Posts: 9

Hey everybody. If in try to install the monowall 1.8.1 version on the msata card I got the error message:

Booting from Hard Disk...
Booting from 0000:7c00

I have tested it with generic and generic-serial image. But if I use the 1.34 Image the monowall starts but I don`t get any ip on one of the 3 nics...

If it try to install the monowall I use the physdiskwrite...

Could someone help me .... If I could connect to the 1.34 version I could update with the web interface but I don`t get any IP. The monowall shows lan1 = sis0 lan2= sis2 but nothing happend.
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2014, 15:07:47 »
bene *
Posts: 9

Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong if I write the 1.8.1 image to the mssd
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2014, 13:16:59 »
Jon Wall *
Posts: 3

Could someone help me .... If I could connect to the 1.34 version I could update with the web interface but I don`t get any IP. The monowall shows lan1 = sis0 lan2= sis2 but nothing happend.

I'm not sure if v1.34 know the 3 new gbit lan interfaces  Wink

Do you try to install the v1.8.1 system to mSSD over SD-card or with an CD-ROM? I'm at the same problem. Maybe we can help us each other.

I tried to install it from cd-rom ISO. but when I use the command "install to harddrive" on the serial-console main menu it works not and give me no error message.
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