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Pages: [1]
Topic: Ability to sort columns in the DNS Forwarder section  (Read 182 times)
« on: November 02, 2014, 14:52:28 »
yowsers *
Posts: 49

It would be very helpful if we could sort the DNS forwarder section by IP Address (or any of the columns.)  If being able to sort by any of the columns can't be programmed then the default should be by IP Address like the DHCP Server section.

I am using 1.8.2b571 built on Fri Feb 14 22:10:48 CET 2014

services_dhcp.php - sorts by IP Addresses as default
services_dnsmasq.php - doesn't seem to have any ability to sort the DNS forwarders, looks to be sorting by order in which they were added
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