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Topic: Skype & m0n0wall  (Read 3533 times)
« on: June 13, 2007, 13:02:06 »
satlizard26 *
Posts: 26

Hi All

I've been m0n0wall for almost a year now and must say very stable and functional.

I must say one thing that is a problem are my skype call. I'm using the default traffic shaper wizard with 384 Download and 192K upload with P2P set to low and share bandwidth between users ticked.

When I use Skype the calls keep on dropping can almost hear nothing, I unchecked the P2P ans share bandwidth but this has no effect on the quality of the call.

My Browsing and downloading works perfectly and my P2P stuff even download @ 17-18Kb/s.

Is there something I can do to optimize the Skype calls, I am a newbie on the traffic shaping part and would really like some help/advice.

Thanks in advanced.

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