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Topic: How to force use of vouchers, so it does not allow just clicking continue?  (Read 264 times)
« on: December 17, 2014, 08:44:40 »
kdes *
Posts: 3

Good Day

Im using Monowall to setup a captive portal using vouchers for our guest network with in the company.

We would like to use vouchers only, so that the guest connects to the guest SSID then goes to a welcome page that only prompts for a voucher. The idea is that we leave 2 hour printed vouchers at reception for guests to use.

What I noticed is that one can simply click continue without putting in a voucher code and it still allows the user to access the internet?

So for example below;
I can just simply click continue without putting in a voucher and allows internet access.

After clicking just continue it shows the below.

How do i set it to force the entry of vouchers that one can not simply click continue? Something like, if no voucher is entered it says please insert voucher before it allows one to proceed?

Thank you in advance.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 08:47:21 by kdes »
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2014, 15:16:05 »
kdes *
Posts: 3

Ok found what one has to do.
Note this is if you want to use only Vouchers on your Captive Portal.

You have to enable local authentication, just don't use usernames and passwords. Just hide the form fields in your portal html file.
So for example;


<form method="post" action="$PORTAL_ACTION$">
   <input name="auth_user" type="hidden">
   <input name="auth_pass" type="hidden">
   Voucher:<input name="auth_voucher" type="text">
   <input name="redirurl" type="hidden" value="$PORTAL_REDIRURL$">
   <input name="accept" type="submit" value="Continue">

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