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Topic: Dynamic DNS with private WAN address  (Read 483 times)
« on: December 23, 2014, 04:40:44 »
wdatkinson *
Posts: 6

I'm trying to put together a solution for a remote repeater site for amateur radio.  I have an AT&T USB wireless card that is connected to a CradlePoint CBA250.  The CBA250 is in bridge mode, so it just passes the WAN IP straight through to m0n0.  Unfortunately that WAN IP is an RFC1918 address of 10.x.x.x.

I've been playing around with various other options, but would prefer to use m0n0 as I'm used it on and off for years now and it's been a solid/reliable option.

That being said, I notice one option missing that is in the current version of PFSense and that is the ability with dynamic DNS to try and figure out the actual public IP address of the WAN before sending the update to the dynamic host.  Not sure if they are using STUN or something similar to, etc.

Any thoughts on how I can add that functionality to m0n0 somehow?  If I can get over this last hump, I believe I'm good to go. 

Thanks in advance!
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2014, 15:48:41 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

There are several problems here...

One is that m0n0wall can not get an IP address it knows nothing about.  There are some installable dyn clients that update with a web page to the IP connected from, but they vary with provider a lot.

But more than that, you have another firewall with NAT between you and the Internet.  Even with the external IP (and I like for that) you still have to get the provider to allow inbound traffic to you.
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