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Topic: Latest embedded version for net45xx  (Read 774 times)
« on: January 01, 2015, 23:16:55 »
allen80602 *
Posts: 1

Hello! What is the latest embedded version that will work with a net45xx? I see that the latest version will need 128MB to operate, and as you know, my net4521 only has 64MB. I'm guessing the last version to support 64MB is 1.34a but I just wanted to check to make sure - measure twice, cut once.  Thanks in advance!
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2015, 00:36:18 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

I would go 1.34 as 1.34a actually has a larger footprint to allow upgrades to 1.8.  That is the only difference.
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