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Topic: DynDNS updating question  (Read 2789 times)
« on: June 13, 2007, 18:29:37 »
atomant *
Posts: 7


I have m0n0 1.231 installed (generic-PC). SInce I have several dynamic domains registered at DynDNS and all are pointing to the same IP, is it possible to update all of them at once? On my workstation I am running ddclient and there I can setup this with custom setup but If I do not start my workstation for a month (yes, I do need vacation too) there is a risk of deleteing my domains.

I have tried in m0n0 with DynDns(custom) but after I enter all my domains separated with a blank space or comma it tells me that I have entered an invalid character.

« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 01:17:52 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

You can only update one DynDNS name with m0n0wall's client.
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