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Topic: access through monowall very slow  (Read 2312 times)
« on: June 14, 2007, 13:24:37 »
mhochman *
Posts: 12

In addition to the problem of having monowall let computers randomly through the portal after being up for a while (a reboot of MOnowall, or changing the client machine's IP solves this)..

I've noticed that things seem extremely slow when authenticating.     the CP Screen comes up nice and fast (its at  the password gets entered in,   and it will sit there for a minute or more,   ie reporting "Waiting for reply from"    im not sure if its somethign with Monowall, or with the Radius server

There is nothing strange in the logs,   the monowall server is an Athlon 1.3ghz, with 512 megs of ram,   Monowall is running off a cd/floppy

Thanks for any advice you can give.

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