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Topic: Install feature from CD Version PLEASE!!  (Read 2452 times)
« on: June 15, 2007, 01:47:59 »
cybertron *
Posts: 8

After hours of wanting to kill my machine, I finally got m0n0wall installed on my "new to me" 1U server. I was installing the generic PC image using the Damn Small Linux route and was not able to get anything to work. No matter what I did, cfdisk would never find a drive. the system would never mount to drive at boot and nothing I could figure out would work. I popped in PFsense and of course it would install w/o any trouble at all. I originally was going to switch to pfsense for a few of its features but have realized that monowall does the same thing and uses less resources so my crappy machine is put to better use. BUT please please Manuel, Please... or anyone if others are maintaining m0n0wall... put an installer like PFsense. Heck, you could probably rip it from them, i'm sure they wouldnt mind.


Thanks to everyone who puts energy into m0n0wall. It has been my router/firewall for years now and I love it as it requires no maintenance and runs flawless day in and day out. Thank you so much.
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 17:53:52 »
randyc *
Posts: 9

I'm going to agree with this one...

If I only have one machine, and I want to install m0n0wall onto it, I usually find myself having to take the HDD out and putting it into another machine, then doing physdiskwrite. If perhaps there was one more image available called installer and contained all the various images in it, then we could write straight to the drives that would be awesome.

Call me baby.

I'm running m0n0wall, on an old Pentium II machine.
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2007, 19:00:49 »
jamesh *
Posts: 6

I need to add my voice to this.  I had to install Windows on a machin recently, just to erase it and replace it with m0n0wall.
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2007, 02:25:40 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

You can always grab my live installer iso and install from there.

The images on the CD are old as it's been ages since I've had a chance to go through the arduous build process to put together a new CD. But I still use it myself when I need to install m0n0wall on a hard drive, I just install 1.11 and then upgrade it to whatever version I want to run.
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 05:39:30 »
docunext *
Posts: 42

Chris's FreeSBie CD works great, you can boot off of that, and then use an MS-DOS formatted usb flash drive to bring the m0n0wall image over, mount it, and gzcat to the target volume.

Docunext Tech Stuff
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