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Topic: Fallover time between radius1 and radius2  (Read 2141 times)
« on: July 01, 2007, 16:36:43 »
YvesDM *
Posts: 11


I 've setup a second radius.
I noticed the fallover time between radius1 and radius2 is rather long in my tests. (M0n0wall 1.23)
When I simulate a down radius1, it takes about 32 seconds (!!!) to authenticate and succesfully
login through radius2. 32sec is a long time when you're waiting, 15sec would be acceptable!
Anyone else experiencing this?
I've been digging in the code, but didn't find the part where the fallover time is specified.   
Anyone out there who can tell me where in the code this fallover time is specified?
I would like to modify my image to change this.

Kind Regards,
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2007, 14:14:03 »
YvesDM *
Posts: 11


I 've setup a second radius.
I noticed the fallover time between radius1 and radius2 is rather long in my tests. (M0n0wall 1.23)
When I simulate a down radius1, it takes about 32 seconds (!!!) to authenticate and succesfully
login through radius2. 32sec is a long time when you're waiting, 15sec would be acceptable!
Anyone else experiencing this?
I've been digging in the code, but didn't find the part where the fallover time is specified.   
Anyone out there who can tell me where in the code this fallover time is specified?
I would like to modify my image to change this.

Kind Regards,

I did some more testing.
I've made a modified image with changes in /etc/inc/
I've set the timeout to 3 instead of 5 and the max retries to 2 instead of 3.
This way it took exactly 14,5 sec to login through radius2 when I simulate a down radius1.
Much better :-)

Kind regards,

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