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Topic: Question relating to ensuring an IP / Port gets priority  (Read 4555 times)
« on: July 16, 2007, 17:03:57 »
fintan *
Posts: 1

Hey all, I'm new to traffic shaping and I'm wondering if what I want to do is possible.  Basically I stream to a shoutcast server on the net on port 9050 and I need that stream to always have 96Kb available to it (I have 600Kb up in total).  Would it be possible in the traffic shaping to ensure that either that port or the IP of the machine the stream is coming from gets at least this amount of bandwith at all times? - even to the extent of taking bandwith from other IPs if necessary i.e. this port / ip has to get 96Kb then the upload bandwith can be shared amongst the other machines?

Any help / tips much appreciated..   Smiley
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2007, 06:56:07 »
docunext *
Posts: 42

What you are trying to do is definitely possible though like tying shoes difficult to explain. A good start would be to try out the magic shaper wizard, and then tweak or add rules to fit your situation.

Docunext Tech Stuff
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2007, 13:41:58 »
Dr-D *
Posts: 14

understand this:

Pipes define the max speed

Queues define how much band will each type of package have in a stress situation

Rules define what type is each package

when a queue A has a value of 10 and B a value of 90, if the total band is 1000kb/s then
if B is not using the net, A can get 1000kb/s.
But in a stress situation(every one wants all net to them) the shaper ensures that A always has 100kb/s and B always have 900kb/s

In your example, you should have 2 queues.
one for your server and one for everything else connected to the same upload pipe(this is only for upload, you can do it for download to with a different pipe and queues)

96Kb / 600Kb = 16%
so the server queue should have 16 as value
the queue for everything else should have 84 as value

I hope this solves your problem.
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2007, 05:51:57 »
imzjustplayin *
Posts: 8

understand this:

Pipes define the max speed

Queues define how much band will each type of package have in a stress situation

Rules define what type is each package

when a queue A has a value of 10 and B a value of 90, if the total band is 1000kb/s then
if B is not using the net, A can get 1000kb/s.
But in a stress situation(every one wants all net to them) the shaper ensures that A always has 100kb/s and B always have 900kb/s

In your example, you should have 2 queues.
one for your server and one for everything else connected to the same upload pipe(this is only for upload, you can do it for download to with a different pipe and queues)

96Kb / 600Kb = 16%
so the server queue should have 16 as value
the queue for everything else should have 84 as value

I hope this solves your problem.
The problem with what you've describe though is that that doesn't prioritize a port, all it does is prioritize what ever ports you've got being filtered, giving them a designation such as one being low priority and other being high priority etc. What about if you want a specific machine to have only 5% of the connection regardless of the ports, and another 50% regardless of the ports, well then you're SOL in this situation. I believe the only way (which I haven't seen or tried) is to have an additional ethernet card in the firewall to handle that specific network segment or even machine.
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2007, 09:10:41 »
Max2950 ***
Posts: 120

understand this:

Pipes define the max speed

Queues define how much band will each type of package have in a stress situation

Rules define what type is each package

when a queue A has a value of 10 and B a value of 90, if the total band is 1000kb/s then
if B is not using the net, A can get 1000kb/s.
But in a stress situation(every one wants all net to them) the shaper ensures that A always has 100kb/s and B always have 900kb/s

In your example, you should have 2 queues.
one for your server and one for everything else connected to the same upload pipe(this is only for upload, you can do it for download to with a different pipe and queues)

96Kb / 600Kb = 16%
so the server queue should have 16 as value
the queue for everything else should have 84 as value

I hope this solves your problem.
The problem with what you've describe though is that that doesn't prioritize a port, all it does is prioritize what ever ports you've got being filtered, giving them a designation such as one being low priority and other being high priority etc. What about if you want a specific machine to have only 5% of the connection regardless of the ports, and another 50% regardless of the ports, well then you're SOL in this situation. I believe the only way (which I haven't seen or tried) is to have an additional ethernet card in the firewall to handle that specific network segment or even machine.

What goes in which queue is handled by the rules. Create a rule with the correct port an IPs and it shoudl work.
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