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Topic: LDAP support  (Read 1789 times)
« on: July 20, 2007, 09:41:18 »
Posts: 8

Would it be possible to redo the userlist and have it run as a small LDAP-ish server?

I for my network run several servers and they all have local usermanagement. It would be awesome to see m0n0wall handle that and offer a central database of users for such things.

It would also allow for captiveportal/monowall users and such to work better i think.

For example, extend the current user function and allow the *roles* to be assigned to users. Roles are then what the usr is authorized for.

So say you have users like so:
un/access level/role
user1 admin monowall (access to all options inside monowall)
user2 user ldap,captive portal
user3 user monowall
user4 user captive portal
and so on...

I think this would be a great addition!!
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2007, 01:33:46 »
docunext *
Posts: 42

Not sure about the feasibility of your request, but I think it an LDAP server might be a good idea. LDAP is designed for many reads, not many writes - just like Flash storage!

Docunext Tech Stuff
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