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Topic: Fatal double fault -- solved  (Read 2883 times)
« on: August 11, 2007, 04:41:26 »
clarknova ***
Posts: 148

For the record, I was receiving the following message on mono's console during some iperf tests through the monowall:

Fatal double fault:
eip = 0xc07d3c9c
esp = 0xcbec0f5c
ebp = 0xcbec1094
panic: double fault
Uptime: 13s
Cannot dump. No dump device defined.
Automatic reboot in 15 seconds - press a key on the console to abort

I saw the same message regardless of the test configuration, (WAN <--> LAN or WAN <--> bridged OPT1), as long as a specific NIC was involved in the test. I therefore concluded that the NIC was faulty and was able to test it in another computer running Ubuntu to confirm that the NIC was indeed intermittent.

I'm just posting this for the record, should anyone see a similar message or just be curious, as my Google searches on the message turned up very little.

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