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Topic: Help me to defeat my kids and Youtube, please!  (Read 3639 times)
« on: August 26, 2007, 15:52:24 »
Mastiff *
Posts: 9

First of all, since this is my first posting: Thank you very much for a fantastic product! I have been using it for a few years now, and it's incredibly stable and works as I want it to! I have the generic PC version 1.2 running on an old Pentium 75 (I think), which is passively cooled, so it's almost inaudible. Wish my server was like that...

To the problem: My kids loves to watch funny videos on Youtube, and when they're at it, it eats all available bandwith. Especially when they're on at the same time! I would like to give everything Youtube a low priority. I have a bunch of queues with from low to high priority (with my IP phone having the highest priority alone, while FTP downloads and stuff are below regular surfing). But the problem is of course that Youtube owns the entire to range. I don't really think I'm gonna sit here and enter 255 rules. Besides I th ink I have seen connections that uses other 208.65 addresses, so perhaps they have expanded?

Can somebody tell me how to make a rule for the full range of 208.65.*.* without messing up the rules I already have in place, and that are working perfectly for me? I think the magic shaper wizard will delete those, right?

Thanks in advance!
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 07:58:27 »
Max2950 ***
Posts: 120


I'm very new to m0n0wall (installed it yesterday evenning).... I guess you'll have to add a rule that put alll youtube's subnet into a low download priority queue. You could add a rule where in destination you specify as the rule target "network" and "". I'm not 100% sure about the /16 ....
By the way, maybe your CPU is a bottleneck, no ?

I hope this might help you !
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 08:37:40 by Max2950 »
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 20:28:55 »
havoc3d *
Posts: 10

I'm quite new to monowall as well, and found this post while looking for some answers of my own.

I'm thinking if it were me, I'd create a separate up/down pipe for the kids, that way they are maxed at however much bandwidth you decide to give them.  Downside is they will have that max even if you're not using your section, but up side is they have their own dedicated pipe they can saturate with whatever they want.
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2007, 09:19:47 »
Mastiff *
Posts: 9

Thanks for the answers! I will try the first solution. The second solution is not gonna work because the kids' computers are on an internal server, and I can't restrict all the traffic from that server. The M0n0wall is on the external network, which I share with some neighbours.
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