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Topic: Can m0n0wall captive portal do this?  (Read 2714 times)
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:08:07 »
LG *
Posts: 6

Dear All,

I am so new to m0n0wall Smiley. I would like to implement the following this

1- ensure only authenticated users can have access the internet and those users are stored in the Radius. Planning to use FreeRadius

2- Would like to store all accounting log

3- Able to terminate users based on the time base control. For example users can use for 10 minutes, therefore after 10 minutes, the connection will be terminated (no more internet access)

3- I would like to control the data usage base as well such as 10MB, after downloading 10MB or even for example user is downloading 100MB file, after 10MB reaching up, the connection should be terminated.

4- I need it to supports both Wire & Wireless LAN (using Linsys or DLink for wireless router)

Please advise if all of these are possible to use m0n0wall? Any requirements or software component that I can achieve this?


« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 17:41:52 »
markb ****
Posts: 331

The answer to most is yes.
1. Yes no problems support in the Captive Portal page
2. Yes, you will have to set up a syslog server and then configure the appropriate logs to be sent.
3. Yes, box in the captive portal page
3. Not by default.  you can limit bandwidth though in conjunction with the traffic shaper
4. Yes. Though you really need either a wireless card in the router or an Access point.  If you use a wireless router, it will normally NAT the traffic and thus the captive portal will only see one connection.
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