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Topic: support for 1.3b and future firmware  (Read 4920 times)
« on: September 01, 2007, 11:12:19 »
yowsers *
Posts: 49


I am a new user to monowall.  I just installed my first home built firewall (yes, I know, took me many many years but at least I have finally done it, no?).  I did not have a spare hard drive around so I used a crappy USB thumb drive I got for free several years ago (512MB IBM drive) and a CDROM on P3 700mhz 512ram computer.  Now for my question...

To get support for the USB thumb drive I had to install the beta 1.3b4 as the 1.2x versions do not support the USB thumb drive for config writing.  My question is, will I still be able to "easily" upgrade with newer beta versions, and eventually, a public release of 1.3?  I ask this because the message I get on system_firmware.php is : Firmware uploading is not supported on this platform.

Props to Chris Buechler , , I was up and running in under 5 minutes Smiley  Thanks!
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2007, 06:51:55 »
clarknova ***
Posts: 148

The firmware image is on the CD. If you want to upgrade you'll have to burn a new CD when the new firmware is released. Your thumb drive config should still be usable with CDs of newer versions.

« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2007, 19:38:41 »
yowsers *
Posts: 49

ahhhh ok.  Thanks for the clarification.  I thought maybe the firmware was copied to the thumb drive after the initial install and configuration.
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2007, 04:05:52 »
clarknova ***
Posts: 148

ahhhh ok.  Thanks for the clarification.  I thought maybe the firmware was copied to the thumb drive after the initial install and configuration.

That's how the hdd/cf install works. If your computer will boot from a usb stick then you could go that route. Some people have had trouble booting mono from usb though, even on computers that support it, myself included. Search the forum for "usb" if you want to go that route and need pointers.

« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2007, 06:48:48 »
yowsers *
Posts: 49

I was successfully able to boot and install monowall on my IBM 512MB thumb drive (P3 700mhz Asus CUV4X mb, i think...).  I formatted the thumb drive as FAT on my desktop before plugging it into my mono box.  Worked like a champ.  Monowall booted from CDROM, made the necessary config files on the thumbdrive, and I was up and running in less than 10 minutes.

Couldn't have been more painless.  Guess I got lucky with a perfect setup.
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