Hi all,
Days go by and i continue experimenting around with m0n0wall. Since i have now succeede in correctly shaping VoIP and eMule uploads i now try to tame eMule downloads.
The magic shaper creates a rule for eMule (actually eDonkey) using the default port range 4662-4272..... However, having a look at eMule's stats panel will show you that most people do not use this port range. Thus a rule trying to shape the downloads in this range will have no effect.
To understand this let's take an example :
You want to download your favorite Linux distro over eMule (remember do not download illegal stuff
). eMule find some sources for it at some remote users. This users have changed their default configuration so that their uploads happen on port 7890. Your eMule will connect to this port to download the file. On your side eMule will use a random port in all the available range.
As you can see from this example, this connection will completely be ignored by the rule and will be handled by the catch all rule.
Since you do not have a clue which port will be used on your side it is almost impossible to set up a matching rule....
One fix to this would be to have the ability to restrict eMule to a specified port range for downloads or have it running on a dedicated machine..... Do not let me be missunderstood, the problem here we are dealing with is eMule not m0n0 !