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Topic: any Radius attribute  (Read 2104 times)
« on: September 06, 2007, 01:47:56 »
LG *
Posts: 6

Dear all,

I am new to m0n0. I am using with Radius Server. Is there any standard attribute to do the following things:

1- to limit the data usage download and upload for example disconnect users when the datausage reaches 10MB. I found the m0n0 can collect the real-time datastream very effectively; therefore there should be a way of doing this. I would like to do this from Radius or other means should be okay.

3- to limit the bandwidth for each users for example when logging in I allow user1 to have 128uplink and 256downlink and user2 256uplink and 512downlink.

4- is there anyway to terminate any current online users in m0n0 from telnet or any plugin application rather than m0n0 web interface?


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