Yesterday evenning a strange thing happened. I had bought some 1GB CF card to give pfSense a test run. So far so good, when i was finished reviewing pfSense i put back my m0n0 cf into my box.
It was about midnight and wanted to look at my emails before going to bed and suddenly the Internet begun to slow down. I went to the m0n0 config and wanted to change some stuff and the php pages started complaining about the not found xml file.....
I rebooted the box but it would not boot anymore.... Plugged everything off and went to bed. As i woke up this morining i tried to boot the m0n0wall and again it would not boot up. I hooked up a keyboard and a monitor and the system bios did not recognize the CF anymore..... Unplugged the CF/IDE adapter and i had to notice that something was moving inisde the CF.... I always thought CF card do not have moving parts...
What happened ? I do not know... Maybe the CF overheated ? My box i a thin client fitted with a second PCI NIC and i positionned it vertically. This way, the CPU and the chipset are just under the CF and i guess that the CF gets all the heat of them...... Now i placed the box horizontally so that the heat can directly evacuate through the case's holes....
Anyone ever had the same issue ?