This is my first post here so I hope someone can help.
I have been using BE internet (Cerberus Networks) 20 mb for a couple of months and I run a 29 player Gaming Center. The Speedtouch 780 couldn't cope with the ammount of sessions Counter Strike was opening and although all other games were fine and with great pings we had to put the Speedtouch into Bridge Mode and add M0n0wall as our router for the LAN.
The problem is that with m0n0wall I'm only getting around 8 - 10 mb down speeds and 2.1 up. If I plug my laptop into the Speedtouch, bypassing monowall I'm getting the full 16 - 20 mb down.
I'm using m0n0wall version 1.231 with a gateway address of with no DHCP server as each of our PC's is in the range of 10.0.0.* with the primary & secondry DNS as supplied to us by Cerberus Networks.
It's all working fine, with great pings and no lag but being a virgo man I WANT MY FULL DOWNLOAD SPEEDS!
Any advice would be great and if this problem is already solved in the forums I'm sorry in advance for not having the time to search, a simple link to the solution would be great.
Kind regards
Ron Mckenzie
Wireworld Gaming