I'm hoping one of you will take a moment to help out this bloke. Ever since I installed Norton Firewall (now Norton Security or whatever) I've wondered how anybody tolerates such a big fat toad of a program.
If I keep *antivirus* software on my personal computers, can a m0n0wall box do everything that I need in terms of firewall protection? -Bryan
As others have said, firewall software on your client PCs is redundant if you already have a good firewall such as M0n0wall. For antivirus, I suggest anything BUT Norton/symantec products. My company serves many businesses with IT/IS services, and we suggest Trend Micro Client/Server for SMB (latest version 3.6) to almost all of them. If you have more than one PC on your network, you should consider this product. Just disable the firewall and spam filter controls. They both will interfere with your normal day-to-day stuff. You will need to have one PC running all the time as the server for the SMB product, though. But you will have ONE place to configure and check status for all protected PCs, and you can also stop users from canceling scans or messing with settings. The price is right, too. Less than $30 per PC. If you want a standalone product, try out Avira Antivir but be aware you will only protect against viruses and not malware. Do NOT get Trend Micro Internet Security, it's a SUPER resource hog!!!
As I've said in other threads, you also have the option of using Untangle Server for gateway security, it has integrated anti-virus, malware, spam, firewall, routing, and web filtering built-in but requires a healthy PC with at least 1.5 GHz cpu and 512 MB RAM with 40 GB HDD. The software is free too.