I have a question about static routing between 2 m0n0walls with 2 different WAN adresses used. One m0n0wall is the default gateway for LAN and DMZ and is used for internet access. The second m0n0wall is used for a few specific internet-adresses and these adresses can only be accessed by this m0n0wall WAN. On this m0n0wall all other internet traffic is not allowed. I have a static route configured from m0n0wall1 to the m0n0wall 2 LAN adress ( is connected to the LAN subnet of the first m0n0wall). This is working for the LAN subnet ( gw of m0n0wall 1 but the DMZ subnet ( gw cannot reach the second m0n0wall with this static route. The static route is destination gw Can someone help me with this problem.