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Topic: Reset PPPoE WAN everyday at a given time of day  (Read 1125 times)
« on: January 14, 2008, 19:34:16 »
john3voltas *
Posts: 5

I've seen it in pfS but I can't find it in m0n0 for my old Soekris.
This is specially useful for those who for instance have happy hours on connections that start between 1am and 8am.
This way you can set the pppoe connection to break at 7h55am and you'll be on HH for as long as it doesn't disconnect.
If neither 1.231 nor 1.3b has this feature is there any chance of having this in 1.3Final?
Or at least does anyone know a script that I can run that will do this?
I love m0n0 and pfS Cheesy.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 10:53:59 by john3voltas »
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