Yep.....atleast computers are makes sense that they *can* go insane....kinda.....but once I had a set of speakers...that for no reason at all....decided to only play out of the left channel.....I went as far as to disassemble the cabinets that held the drivers.....saw nothing wrong....the problem persisted.....the sound would be present in both channels, and then the right channel would fade out....without cause.....after I turned them off, and back on again, I'd get another 5 minutes of stereo....and more right channel again....I frantically checked all of the connections, everything was in place.....double...triple....quadruple checked, everything was fine.....but the problem wouldn't go away, so I gave up, I started looking to buy new studio monitors....but then, the next day...they were fine again, and they've given me *no* problems since that day.
I will never understand what went wrong that day. Everything still works now.....the exact same way it was set up the day it broke. I'm certain I lost a part of my mind that day.