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Topic: FreeBSD command line question in m0n0wall  (Read 1256 times)
« on: January 22, 2008, 02:20:57 »
Ventolin *
Posts: 46

So, I have a souped up Firebox ][ Plus with all the bells and whistles (AMD K6 366MHz w/ 256MB ram) sitting around thus I figured I'd pop monowall on it and replace my downright silly energy sucker dual pentium 2 rig I used to have monowall on.

The installing monowall part turned out to be easy....once I spliced a keyboard pin-for-pin onto the motherboard and piddled around in the feature-barren bios it has.  There's a big goofy looking 6GB Maxtor hard drive from 1999 running the OS on that box at the moment, and I'd very much prefer to use the Firebox's onboard flash, which is essentially a CF card built into the motherboard.

I thought of a thousand and one ways to get monowall on there via cd-rom....but....the bios doesn't seem to support cd-rom I have either CF or hard drives I can work with, and I don't have money to throw away on CF cards when there's perfectly fine onboard memory to work with.

So here's my problem...try as I might, I can't seem to figure out how to get monowall to copy onto the onboard flash once it has booted from the hard drive.

I found this guide (linked above) which pretty much covers the same hardware I'm working with, except the guy in the guide is copying from a "var/etc/cfdevice" where as I'm copying from a hard drive, which his guide in no way accounts for.

It seems simple enough, changing a command line to point to a hard drive instead of a flash device....but...every time I try to figure out where the hard drive is mounted in the file system, I get "permission denied" pretty much at every turn....even when I try to "su root" my way in, I get a glimpse at the contents of the directories, but they're mostly scrambled ascii characters.

If /var/etc/cfdevice is the mount of his off-board in the world do I figure out where my hard drive is mounted?

I'm so close to getting this to work, but I'm running out of tricks...and I really don't know that much about unix except that it has an absurdly powerful command line...that I don't yet know how to use..

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help...I get the feeling the answer is really simple, I just have no idea where to look.
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