There's maybe a way. Not the ultimate solution, but... This is the solution i know for dhcp users only... and naturally it only works for the LAN interface!
you need to use DHCP server, and its ability to affect a specific IP to a Mac-Adress.
1- Enable DHCP server. 2- Let the computer (you want to ban) get its dynamic IP. 3- In diagnostics > DHCP leases, locate the Mac Adress from the computer you want to ban. 4- Press the "+" aside, and give the targeted Mac-Adress a specific IP. 5- Got to Firewall Rules 6- Add a rule to block the IP you gave to the Mac-Adress. 7- You're done. It can't pass throught monowall anymore.
If the targeted Mac-Adress is not in dhcp, but has a fixed IP, then you can try to block this IP in the Firewall Rules, but it may change in times...