Trying to simulate a site to site link on a virtual server.
two Windows 2003 servers on a lan each with a monowall acting as a router
Using two Monowalls with 3 NIC cards each
Lan A 192.168.20/24
Lan B 192.168.30/24
ignoring WAN interface and trying to link opt1 on both monowalls to route packest from both lan subnets to each other but can't seem to do it.
Tried firewall rules and static routes but can't seem to do it.
Tried the WAN interface and subnet A cant see subnet B or vice versa.
Anybody any ideas
Sounds like you need IPSec for this, meaning you have two sites in physically separate locations, but they both have a common internet connection? IPSec would solve all of this and with a simple firewall rule you can make sure they those two servers can only communicate with each other (cut out their Internet access for example)