This is a yes-it-works-thank-you-post
I upgraded from 1.23 to 1.3b13 this morning when I saw the support for v6-in-v4 configured tunnels (as this is what I use to connect to
Up until now I have been running the tunnel to an old cisco SOHO 700 router with IOS firewall turned on and thus using the IPv6 tunnel functionality in m0n0wall to get the tunnel through to the tunnel router.
After the upgrade, my IPv6 connectivity stopped working. After about 2 seconds of investigation I found out that the IPv6 tunnel option was no longer available, but I could turn IPv6 on on the box. So I did.
I spent something like two minutes configuring the m0n0wall with the IPv6 addresses from the old router on the LAN and WAN side (and re-enabling the IPv4 DHCP server on the LAN as it was turned of when I enabled IPv6 on the LAN). After another minute of deciding what firewall rules to make (and implementing them) I was up and running.
Latency is better through the m0n0wall than through the cisco box that was little underpowered for the IOS firewall.
Initial ping-tests worked like a charm and I am looking forward to retire the cisco and see my v6-torrents speed up
It bugs me a bit that the IPv6 tunnel option is removed and the networked broke when going from 1.2 to 1.3b13 due to the proper handling of IPv6, but it is not a big thing since the conversion was so easy.
It might be nice to preserve the tunnel/forward option if it is turned on already to stop breaking a running IPv6 implementation, but a simple note in the release notes might suffice.
A happy m0n0v6 user