Hello everyone. I have two M0n0wall pc's running with 1 static route on the opt1 interface connecting both networks.
Mw 1 is here and mw 2 is down the road 1/2 a mile , Both wlan connections are from the same ISP on the same subnet from this isp with a different address of coarse. The opt1 connection is made with two AP's in PTP Bridge mode.
The system works great!
I want to know if it's possible and maybe some help setting it up, Can I set a static route on Mw 2 so in bound wlan connections can access servers running on Mw1's lan subnet ?
The basic set up I have now Mw1 wlan ip 72.xx.xxx.xx Lan Opt1
Mw2 wlan 72.xx.xxx.xxx lan Opt1
I haven't tried to do this yet ( I'm scared I might screw it up )lol
Thanks for any advice ! Allan