I have a pc-monowall running 1.235 with 6 network cards: WAN,LAN,LAN2,DMZ,PABX,LAN3 On the DMZ I have a linux server running CVS with ip The access port for CVS is 3690. Rules are in place to access the machine from WAN. However: if you access the cvs the client goes in a waitloop and times out. At the same time I get in the log: X 3 16:12:52.925065 WAN YYY.213.156.9, type unreach/needfrag ICMP I did put in a rule in WAN to allow .213.156.9, witch is the gateway from our internet provider, full acccess to the cvs machine: * YYY.213.156.9 * * If I put the machine in my own home, everything works fine (I -still- use Smoothwall there) And: I nowhere have a blocking rule that has logging enabled, and Log packets blocked by the default rule is off. So why is this logged? I did do an 'upgrade' from 1.235 to 1.235 hoping that this would clear things, but it didn't.
Anyone suggestions?