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Topic: hostap hang when WLAN interface bridged  (Read 4154 times)
« on: April 28, 2009, 06:44:45 »
opaq *
Posts: 3


I am running m0n0wall 1.3b16 on a WRAP system with a Compex WLM54G23 wireless adapter. I am using hostap in WPA2 AES mode on the wireless adapter.

For some reason hostap will hang (no longer responds to ping, drops wireless connections) until I turn wifi off of the offending system. m0n0wall will still be available over the LAN interface.

Steps to replicate: Bridge WLAN to LAN interface, connect to wireless connection, start Adium (using the open source libpurple library) and the WLAN interface will stop responding. I can replicate this problem under m0n0wall-embedded 1.3b15 and 1.3b16.

The problem does not occur once both interfaces have been un-bridged.

« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2009, 07:02:12 »
opaq *
Posts: 3

I can confirm my WRAP has not crashed since I have un-bridged the WLAN and LAN interface. Anybody else able to replicate the problem ?

« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2009, 19:02:02 »
opaq *
Posts: 3

Here are similar posts addressing the same issue:,2688.0.html,2936.0.html

Anybody else would like to chime in ?

« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2009, 10:25:26 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

The old way of bridging that m0n0wall releases currently use is deprecated in FreeBSD 6.x in favor of if_bridge. I'm working on converting m0n0wall to if_bridge and have a test image available that works for any scenario that is currently supported.

edit: this code has been committed and will be in 1.3b17.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 01:15:43 by cmb »
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