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Topic: WiFi on one port straight to internet not accessing any other ports LAN etc..  (Read 3474 times)
« on: March 18, 2007, 01:15:13 »
sabo *
Posts: 2

I would like to set up a wifi access point on one of my ports.  I would like this to go straight to the WAN port and internet no LAN access.
Has anyone done this? 

I connected the WAN port of a NETGEAR to the firewall port but a computer connected to the NETGEAR won't ping the monowall port or the the internet.

Should I use bridge mode or some firewall rules to allow this through mono?

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.  Cheesy
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2007, 05:27:04 »
stephenb *
Posts: 7

I set my captive portal to block router admin, SMTP, and net bios. Then I set up a rule to all all access except to the other LAN.
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2007, 04:36:29 »
falcor *
Posts: 17

I would like to set up a wifi access point on one of my ports.  I would like this to go straight to the WAN port and internet no LAN access.
Has anyone done this? 

I connected the WAN port of a NETGEAR to the firewall port but a computer connected to the NETGEAR won't ping the monowall port or the the internet.

Should I use bridge mode or some firewall rules to allow this through mono?

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.  Cheesy

Easy to do.  Just connect, enable the Opt interface that you setup and use the following rules for the Opt interface, in my example it is Opt1.

*      OPT1 net      *      LAN net      *      Block all access to LAN      
*    OPT1 net    *    *    *    General allow all rule

As rules are read from top down, you would block all traffic to LAN net, but allow all other acces... e.g. The Internet.

You can also add captive portal ontop of this to have people authenticate or at least check "ok" to some terms of service for your wifi.

You will never be able to ping the WAN port as that is the NAT address.  You can ping the LAN port if you write a rule allowing ICMP to its IP address.  right now you have no rules, so all traffic is stopped.
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