As for Scott's e-mail to me, I would have responded if I had seen it. It may have went to my hotmail junk folder which I never check.
Ok, that's fair. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and edited out some of my comment.
One final thought on pfsense: Try it for yourself and decide if it meets your needs better than m0n0wall. For me the answer was to reload monowall.
That's really what it comes down to - try things out, and see if they work in your specific situation. For all the happy m0n0wall users, there are probably hundreds if not thousands of people in the world who have tried m0n0wall and had no luck whatsoever. Most frequently user error, but certainly some people who have run into hardware compatibility issues, amongst other possibilities.
You can't take one person's experience with any software or system and automatically think it applies to your situation. You're likely to have different systems, different hardware, a different Internet connection, a different network, etc. etc. etc. Not just talking about firewalls here either, this applies to pretty much any software or OS or about anything you'll run into in the IT world.