On my Soekris box I've run a Linux/CentOS based FW for ages, using FWBuilder to build my IPTables rulesets. Plus: Access to a full-blown Linux system, including CRON. Minus: CentOS 5.x runs on 686 only - not on the Soekris 586 - and I don't want to recompile everything "downlevel".
So, testing out M0n0wall, I was surprised by the ease of installation, easy set-up and rule configuration - I simply go wow! Good, solid work!
Now the question: Having two teenage kids, who tend to get too engaged in their Internet games, years back I found a solution to set the Game Over through a cron job simply verifying the kidz network interface down just before midnight and verifying it up again at 6 in the morning before work days - and a bit more time allowance in the weekends.
Any way to pull a similar trick with m0n0wall, i.e., time the availability of a certain interface or subnet?