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Topic: Auto-Renew WAN DHCP  (Read 1752 times)
« on: April 20, 2007, 15:33:07 »
Tasty *
Posts: 1

Lately, I've been having problems with road runner at home.  Periodically, the connection will drop [for reasons which Time Warner has been unable to determine, having been here 3 times in the past week... great].  m0n0wall eventually realizes that it is no longer connected and shows that its IP is

My question is this:  Is there a way to have m0n0wall periodically (say, every 5 minutes) renew its DHCP address on the WAN interface if it isn't connected.

I can think of some rather hackish ways of doing it (using a cron job on a remote box to detect if we're connected, and if not, issue the renew dhcp command), but I'd much rather do this internal to m0n0wall.
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2007, 03:59:08 »
Havokki *
Posts: 14

I haven't had any probs since i installed 3com (xl's) 3c905 ethernet cards with onboard paraller tasking II
processors. These cards have in-built keep-alive packet sending possibilities which minimises normal IP renewal cycle.
I've had same WAN IP-address for couple of months for now.

« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2007, 20:47:44 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

dhclient in FreeBSD does routinely try to renew if it loses its lease. My cable's been down for days before and it picked up a lease as soon as it was working again without touching it. 
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