I was using ver. 1.23 and it was working great, but one night it dropped the PPPoE to my Verizon DSL and wouldn't recoonect. I tried the 1.32b and it would keep the connection but it seemed very unstable. While I would be playing Final Fantasy XI Online, I would randomly disconnect from the server.
Once I realized 1.231 was released I tried it and it still does not create the PPPoE to my DSL, which is a real bummer. So at the moment I'm being forced to use PFSense, it's a real nice system but I'd rather use m0n0wall. With PFSense, I have to use the HDD because when it's ran in liveCD mode, accessing the webGUI causes the CD-ROM to spin up and read the disc, and the CD-ROM is really loud. So I'm wondering what's the deal with 1.231 and the PPPoE. I'd like to use the 1.32b, but the random discconets from Final Fantasy is a annoyance.