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Topic: PPPoE just does not connect  (Read 2893 times)
« on: April 24, 2007, 22:18:22 »
IceBawlz *
Posts: 9

I was using ver. 1.23 and it was working great, but one night it dropped the PPPoE to my Verizon DSL and wouldn't recoonect.  I tried the 1.32b and it would keep the connection but it seemed very unstable. While I would be playing Final Fantasy XI Online, I would randomly disconnect from the server.

Once I realized 1.231 was released I tried it and it still does not create the PPPoE to my DSL, which is a real bummer.  So at the moment I'm being forced to use PFSense, it's a real nice system but I'd rather use m0n0wall.  With PFSense, I have to use the HDD because when it's ran in liveCD mode, accessing the webGUI causes the CD-ROM to spin up and read the disc, and the CD-ROM is really loud.  So I'm wondering what's the deal with 1.231 and the PPPoE.  I'd like to use the 1.32b, but the random discconets from Final Fantasy is a annoyance.
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2007, 22:30:09 »
IceBawlz *
Posts: 9

Sorry, but I forgot to include this information that may be helpfull.

Dial on demand was not active.
idle timeout was set to 0
and the MAC address from my DSL modem was cloned into the WAN connections properties.
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2007, 00:14:40 »
darklogic *
Posts: 45

try allowing for fragmented packets and change your mtu if different that what your dsl runs.
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2007, 03:35:44 »
IceBawlz *
Posts: 9

I'll try that.

Thank you.
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2007, 14:02:48 »

Try setting MTU to 1492 or, for testing purposes, even lower. Generally there should be no need to clone your modem mac adress, but I'm not familiar with Verizon.
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2007, 05:21:24 »
IceBawlz *
Posts: 9

Tried m0n0wall with 1492 and it still did not connect the PPPoE.  However, i do run PFSense at 1492 and it works.  Verizon requires the MAC address from the DSL modem to be cloned into the WAN interface of any device that will be creating the PPPoE and doing the routing.  If the DSL modem creates the PPPoE it acts as a router and it does a really bad job.  So I have the DSL modem running in bridged mode with DHCP off. 

So far I haven't had any luck with m0n0wall 1.231.  1.32B connects but it seems to run flakey and disconnect me from the FFXI servers.  From the looks of it, I may be stuck with PFSense.

Thanks for trying to help me through this odd problem. Hopefully later versions of m0n0wall will work better for me in the future, it's a great system.
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2007, 03:05:19 »
IceBawlz *
Posts: 9

I swapped out the WAN NIC, which came out of an older Hewlett Packard, for an old 3Com 10/100 I had laying around and m0n0wall made the PPPoE to verzion. 

But I find it odd that PFSense would establish a PPPoE with the Hewlett Packard NIC but not m0n0wall,  since m0n0wall did recognize it.

Thanks for everyones help.
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