I'm having problems with the login page for clients after captive portal is enabled. Once enabled, a web page with text on it loads with a continue button. There are no fields to enter either a user name or password. When I click continue, I just get an error stating the user name and password are invalid. Here is the exact text of what I see on the first page:
m0n0wall captive portal
This is the default captive portal page. Please upload your own custom HTML file on the Services: Captive portal screen in the m0n0wall webGUI.
I was assuming the default page to be simple, but still function with appropriate fields. I saw a video on youtube here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X-4JWzR4U4This video shows setting up Captive Portal and it does have a default web page that works. It just has two text fields for data and a button to process it. I have tried this on Windows 7/Firefox 3.6 and Windows7/IE8. both produce the same situation.
While turning on Captive Portal I have checked the user authentication and not radius. Also, I went in and set up a test user.
I'm not sure what's going on. Does it really not come with a functional default login page and I need to create one or is there another cause for this issue? Thanks.