Hello all,
First , would like to say that i really like Monowall!
İ only have one strange problem; somtimes (completely random) i need to manual release / renew my WAN İP address to get on internet.
İ have several VOİP phones so when i dont have internet, my phones aren´t working. Rebooting or manual release / renew my WAN İP address solves the problem. But can i solve this problem on a better way?
Somethimes it works perfectly for 2-3 months and sometimes i need to release / renew my WAN İP twice in a week...
Thx in advance !
Edit: forgot to say that my ADSL provider uses a static İP. İ also have the same problem with a different ADSL provider who uses a dynamic WAN İP. (on a different location)
- İ tried almost all monowall versions...