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Topic: WAN - Dynamic IP dhcpoffer  (Read 1232 times)
« on: May 09, 2007, 23:38:53 »
vEnEx *
Posts: 1

Recently I was unable to surf the internet. Pinging the m0n0wall box was just fine, so I figured out it had something to do with either DNS settings or not getting a WAN connection up.

To illustrate my situation: I have an ADSL internet connection who gives me an IP address through DHCP on the m0n0wall WAN interface. I log everything to a wallwatcher syslog server, and I figured out this:

2007/05/09   09:43:12,05   M         09:43:13 dhclient: new network number:         
2007/05/09   09:43:12,06   M         09:43:13 dhclient: new broadcast address:         
2007/05/09   09:43:13,20   M         09:43:14 <may  9 09:43:14dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 23 seconds.         
2007/05/09   09:43:35,91   M         09:43:37 <may  9 09:43:37dhclient: dhcprequest on sis1 to port 67         
2007/05/09   09:43:35,91   M         09:43:37 <may  9 09:43:37dhclient: dhcpack from         
2007/05/09   09:43:36,05   M         09:43:37 dhclient: new network number:         
2007/05/09   09:43:36,06   M         09:43:37 dhclient: new broadcast address:         
2007/05/09   09:43:37,20   M         09:43:38 <may  9 09:43:38dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 23 seconds.         
2007/05/09   09:43:59,91   M         09:44:01 <may  9 09:44:01dhclient: dhcprequest on sis1 to port 67         
2007/05/09   09:43:59,91   M         09:44:01 <may  9 09:44:01dhclient: dhcpack from         
2007/05/09   09:44:00,05   M         09:44:01 dhclient: new network number:         
2007/05/09   09:44:00,06   M         09:44:01 dhclient: new broadcast address:         
2007/05/09   09:44:01,20   M         09:44:02 <may  9 09:44:02dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 28 seconds.         
2007/05/09   09:44:28,91   M         09:44:30 <may  9 09:44:30dhclient: dhcprequest on sis1 to port 67         
2007/05/09   09:44:28,91   M         09:44:30 <may  9 09:44:30dhclient: no memory for option buffer.         
2007/05/09   09:44:32,91   M         09:44:34 <may  9 09:44:34dhclient: dhcprequest on sis1 to port 67         
2007/05/09   09:44:32,91   M         09:44:34 <may  9 09:44:34dhclient: no memory for option buffer.         
2007/05/09   09:44:42,91   M         09:44:44 <may  9 09:44:44dhclient: dhcprequest on sis1 to port 67         
2007/05/09   09:44:42,91   M         09:44:44 <may  9 09:44:44dhclient: no memory for option buffer.         
2007/05/09   09:44:54,91   M         09:44:56 <may  9 09:44:56dhclient: dhcprequest on sis1 to port 67         
2007/05/09   09:44:54,91   M         09:44:56 <may  9 09:44:56dhclient: no memory for option buffer.

I'm concerned about two things here actually:

1) The DHCP request/offer to the ADSL modem is perfomed a few times every single minute! Is this necessary? Is there no way I can adjust the DHCP renew time settings?

2) What does the "no memory for option buffer" stand for? Before this ADSL setup, I had a cable modem which worked just fine with m0n0wall. I was using under 10% of memory. With the ADSL setup in place, memory usage has gone up to 50% (but not more), probably caused by the DHCP offer/request/ack spam?

If anyone has any idea on thisone, shoot, I'm more then willing to test things out, I'm just not sure where to start.

 Lips sealed
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 23:44:31 by vEnEx »
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 01:22:42 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

It looks like the public IP you're getting has a lease time of less than a minute?  If it's renewing in 23 seconds every time, the first renewal is half the lease time, so it would be a 46 second lease.

The lease on your public IP should be from your ISP's DHCP server, nothing you can control. I'd call them, that's ridiculous.
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