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Topic: PRTG not connecting  (Read 2016 times)
« on: May 11, 2007, 01:19:29 »
webworx *
Posts: 2

More questions from the newbie...

We have a windows server 2003 connecting to a Dell Switch...via the m0n0wall.  We are trying to connect via port 161 to get switch traffic to the win2003 server, but fw keeps blocking traffic back to the win2003 server.  We can get to the switch but not back to the win server, even if the FW is set wide open, it still does not work.. 

Is there a setting on the FW that lets EVERYTHING outbound?

- we are using the firewall IP as the gateway
- we have a half of a class C we are using /25
« Last Edit: May 11, 2007, 01:25:03 by webworx »
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 02:55:21 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

1) What version?
2) You have a network diagram or can you explain what's plugged in where more thoroughly? Your explanation leaves a lot of questions as to how things are laid out.
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